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Good riddance iTunes?

It makes complete sense for Apple to phase out iTunes. The signs have been coming for a while, I just haven’t put them together.

iTunes started as a music store. As Apple products grew, the store spawned more departments giving us its current behemoth structure. Like many people, I have been frustrated with the interface of iTunes for a long time. As a developer it embarrasses me how poor it is. I hope the neglect is a sign of its banishment.

It makes more sense for each product type to have its own store across all devices. We’ve already seen the App Store separated out on mobile devices and the Mac. The new features of iOS 8.4 indicate the separation of music and audio books. On the AppleTV each content type: Movies, TV shows, Music are already their own store.

The recent change of iPhotos to Photos also signals the retirement of the “i”. This is reenforced with the naming of the new Apple Watch. I’m glad they chose a different name. I’ve been tiring of the “i” for a while. Many people thought using the “i” for the iPad wasn’t a good choice. Apple will be challenged moving forward on the iPhone and iPad. The name “Apple Phone” might work, but “Apple Pad” definitely does not. iTunes gift cards can easily become Apple Gift Cards.

The removal of iTunes will continue the coordination of OSX and iOS. Apple is getting closer to a unified user experience for computers and mobile devices. Apple already has Handoff for many of its apps, to continue your work across devices. It will be nice when the entire experience of using this technology flows easily for everything you do.

Steve Job’s vision of the Mac/PC as a central “Digital Hub” interconnecting devices, has transformed into a Digital Wheel where they all support each other. This could be the final phase of the era Steve Jobs called “post-PC”. Where the technology fades away. A time when the content is truly the focus.

I say “Good riddance iTunes” and look forward to a more organized system for Apple’s stores.

I really hope we will finally be able to sync music playlists wirelessly.


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